Nathani Charitable Trust,Nathani Heights, Ground Floor,Shop no.34, A - Wing, Dr. D B Marg,Opp. Mumbai Central Railway Station, Mumbai - 400 008 Mail Id :
nathani charitable trust scholarship form download
1 Financial Aid for Education From Zakat Fund Please send this Form by POST to: (Administrative office) Flat.4/B, 1 st Floor, Zaveri Mansion,Behind Agripada Police Station, Motlibai Street, Mumbai India. Website: Telephone: / 7639 / / 67 Time: 10:30 am-1:30 pm. To2:30-5:30 pm (Monday to Friday) Application Form should be filled in ENGLISH Only. Application Form should be filled in BLOCK LETTERS Applicant should write in the boxes Applicant should write neat handwriting using Ball Pen only Incomplete Form will not be considered Applicant should AFFIX his/her LATEST PHOTOGRAPH Double Form should be filled and sent by an Applicant Fields marked in * is mandatory To, The Nathani Charitable Trust, Mumbai. Respected Sir / Madam, Form : Date Of Received: R/S/P/D: ID NO: Paste your Latest P.P Size Photograph (Do not staple) I Mr /Mrs/Ms hereby apply & request for Financial Aid for Education (Name of Course)the from your esteemed Organization for my Son/Daughter/Ward/ Myself. I have read the terms & conditions and agree to abide by them. I solemnly affirm that the particular given in this form are true, correct & complete. Sign: Date:. 1. Acceptance of the Application Form does not GUARANTEE AID. 2. The financial aid for Education is provided from ZAKAT FUND for especially for the economically backward & underprivileged students from the community who seek admission in Higher Professional courses or educational institutions. (Therefore Please check your eligibility before applying.) 3. This Form is circulated FREE, anyone found selling, please notify us immediately on above mentioned numbers. 4. All documents including photographs are NOT Returnable irrespective of the help being sanctioned or not. 5. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Double form sent by an applicant will be rejected. 6. Only full time Government recognized professional courses conducted by a statutory body such as University, Board, Director of Technical Education, AICTE etc will be considered. Institutions and courses should be recognized and affiliated to established Universities / Govt. 7. Our Representative(s) will survey the Authenticity of Application and if any information provided is found suppressed/ false or improper then Application Form will be rejected and no future Application would be accepted. 8. NCT has the Right to reclaim the help granted, if the information is found incorrect or false later on. 9. Please note that Students falling under GENERAL category will be supported from Std. 8th onwards. Only children of Widow/Divorcee/Orphan/separated/deserted or child of disabled deserving parent will be supported from Nursery onwards. 10. Decision of our Committee regarding acceptance or rejection of Application will remain Final and no Correspondence or Clarification will be provided. 11. n Zakat case will be considered based on availability of funds. 12. The student will be given scholarship on the basis of Aptitude, Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Interest, Personality test results. 13. Also note that this form will not be considered unless accompanied by the attested Xerox copies of the document mentioned, if the required original to be produced during field visit / interview.
2 Document Information :( All Documents must be attested) Please note that this form will not be considered unless accompanied by the attested Xerox copies of the following documents.( Tick marks the attachments). Student Check List 1 Duly filled & signed/thumb impression application form (compulsory) 2 Additional Two passport size recent photographs of the student with the name written behind it 3 Attested copies of past three annual examination mark sheet/ result copies for school level and for college level SSC and HSC (compulsory for new student) 4 Proof of address First & last page of Ration card, or Telephone bill, or Voting Identity Card or Leave & License agreement or Rent receipt/bill or Aadhaar Card. 5 Latest Electricity Bill 6 Proof of Income Salary Certificate or Govt. approved Income Certificate or Pay Slip or Certificate from Family Doctor or Social Worker or Medical Officers of Primary Health Centre (PHC) or Community Health Centre (CHC) regarding the family income (Compulsory- applicable according to their nature of work) 7 Letter from School/College/Institute with Break-up of Fees (In Original) 8 Letter from Coaching Classes/Tuition with Break Up of Fees( In Original) Tuition fees will only be paid for X and XII coaching classes. Tuition fees from VIII IX will be paid only towards Math s and Science subject. Additional English subject tuition fees will be provided to vernacular medium students only. Original fees Structure of Tuition/coaching classes should given on the original letterhead of the classes. In additional we require coaching class s Head/In-charge name with landline number/contact number/mobile number, address of Tuition/coaching classes stamp of tuition classes/ address. NCT HAS FULL RIGHT TO CANCEL THE COMPLETE SCHOLARSHIP GRANT IF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT/TUTION/ COACHINGS CLASSES IS FOUND TO BE FALSE/INCORRECT. 9 Proof of admission/selection in course for which scholarship is applied for/ Bonafied certificate 10 Copies of certificates of academic, co-curricular & extracurricular activities 11 Copy of bank pass book first page (name, bank a/c no, & address details) Tick (Student) Office Use
7 Govt. Scholarship Are you eligible for Govt. scholarship: Yes/ If yes, did you apply for scholarship Last year, Yes/ Amount Received: year: Name of the Govt. Scholarship: NCT Information Have you ever Received Fees from our organization? Yes/ If Yes, ID. Course Applied For Scholarship Amount Received Year In Which Amount Received By Cheque/DD/Cash NCT Support to Family Members Support receiving/ received by your siblings in past/current from NCT Yes/ If Yes. 1 Name Of The Brother/Sister ID. Course Amount Received Financial Year Last How Many Years Have They Been Receiving Support Did you/your family members have received help from NCT under any other scheme other than Education Support: Yes/ If yes?. Name Of The Family Member ID. Scheme Amount Received Financial Year Do you have bank account? Yes / Bank Name: Branch A/C : Name as appearing in Passbook (all in capital letter): (te: If student doesn t have a bank A/C please write down guardian/parent bank a/c details, photocopy of first Page of passbook (name, bank a/c no & address details to be attached.)
8 Declaration of Parents/Guardian (Form E will not be considered in absence of declaration of Parents/Guardian) Dear Sir/Madam, Assamlamu-Alaikum, I/We hereby solemnly affirm that the details mentioned in this Form are True to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We am/are responsible for the authenticity of the details and the documents provided along with this Form. If any information contained in my Application Form is found false or improper, your organization has full right to take disciplinary/legal action against me/us. I /We hereby declare that I /We will ensure my ward will complete the Course for which we have applied for scholarship. I/We realize that this Assistance is provided to me my child from Zakat Fund and I /we have not taken Loan or Aid from any other Organization/Trust/Jamat for the same purpose without informing NCT. I also declare that I & my family member are not involved in any anti-social/criminal activities. Name and Signature of Applicant: Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date: Place:
THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN RAJBATI : BURDWAN WEST BENGAL Advertisement No: 02/2016-17 Dated, June 30, 2016 Applications are invited from Indian citizens in the prescribed forms to be downloaded from the
To provide financial assistance among the students of India to pursue their dream education in Engineering studies, both the central and state government has launched various schemes for the students known as Scholarships for Engineering Students. Under this scheme, the aspirants will be rewarded with educational opportunities in their dream careers. In this article today we will share with you all the important information related to Scholarship For Engineering Students 2023 such as the objective, eligibility criteria, important documents, and the list of scholarships. Also, we will share with you all the step-by-step application procedures to apply for various schemes 2ff7e9595c